The Go Green Tracker is a way to hold yourself accountable and track all of the green actions you do throughout your day and week.
This app takes a common sense approach to the green movement and will give you a tool to remind yourself to do more green acts throughout your week. You will be able to track what you do and have a running scoreboard to see how your current week of green acts compares to your weekly average; set goals and motivate yourself to do more! We also have a Tips section where you can see great ideas on ways to not only conserve energy, but also to save money as you do it. Many of our tips estimate the cost savings for your actions.
Please share with your friends and family so we have a big enough following to make even better improvements!
This is version 1.0 of what we hope will become the foundation for many more versions, with better enhancements that will include ways to share, tweet, and post your green actions, as well as a way to challenge your friends to participate with you. Please leave a comment, rating, and recommendations so as we build new versions, we can take into account your feedback.
Enjoy your Go Green Tracker as we take a common sense approach to the making the world a better place.
***Eddy Brands, LLC***